This guided inquiry lesson has students observe, question, and make predictions using their schema before diving into "research" materials. The class was divided up into several groups. Each group was given a bone, skull, or body covering to investigate. All items were borrowed from the Hefner Zoology Museum at Miami University. Thanks MU!
I wish you could have heard the "ooohs" and "eews" from the kids! After reviewing what scientists do, these little scientists jumped right in. They observed, then recorded their observations. The scientists also had to record questions before writing a prediciton.
These boys wondered when the animal died.
These girls predicted that their animal was a bear.
This boy predicted that the Wampanoag used skunks to make a hat.
I just love their thinking!! Day one ended with a gallery walk to look at all the objects we were investigating.
We had a lot of fun with this lesson! Students developed an understanding of how the lives of the Pilgrims were different than the Wampanoag.
Up next...turkey fun!!
I love your hands on learning approach! It looks like you have great resources available! Love it!
Your lesson is fantastic! We couldn't ask for a better use of our workshops and Museum specimens.
Don Kaufman, Director
Hefner Zoology Museum
GREEN Teachers Institute
Miami University
Thanks! The students absolutely LOVED the lesson and worked well with all the specimens. I look forward to using some discovery trunks in the spring.
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