I want to thank Brooke from Primary Perspective for awarding me the Stylish Blogger Award. She continues to inspire me to implement and create lessons that are fun and memorable.
Here are the rules for receiving this award:
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 5 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award.
Seven Things about Shannon
1. I LOVE reading magazines! Now I do also LOVE books, but have a hard time reading books during the school year. I enjoy all types of magazines: fashion, home, and fitness. I can at least try to be healthy by looking at those health magazines.
2. I try to make fresh juice often. I love my juicer. My favorite is carrot, celery, spinach, parsley, and ginger. I know what you are thinking..."yuck!" But it is so good and I feel so much better when I drink it.
3. I have a sensitivity to both cow's milk and yeast. I have to limit my intake. That's right no ice cream or grilled cheese! However, I have discovered a world of food that I never knew existed. Coconut milk ice cream, millet bread, and goat cheese.
My wonderful husband has helped me create my old favorites that will not make me sick. I can now have pizza again thanks to him. Now he will not touch my pizza (millet bread crust and goat cheese) but I think it is absolutely delicious!
4. I have a passion for yoga. Yin Yoga is my favorite...very relaxing.
5. My husband and I love to spend time on the lake during summer months. Our favorite is gathering with friends in Norris Lake, TN.
6. I secretly want to learn to knit and make jewelry.
7. I have an addiction to Starbucks...yes this needs to stop!
I could spend hours looking online at classroom blogs and websites. I love to find new ideas for my classroom.
There are so many fabulous teachers. Here are five of my favorite blogs:
1. Megan at http://mrswheelerfirst.blogspot.com/
2. Abby at http://theinspiredapple.blogspot.com/
3. Ashley at http://www.thekinderpolkadotpatch.com/
4. Amy at http://literacyandlaughter.blogspot.com/
5. Cara at http://thefirstgradeparade.blogspot.com/
Thanks again Brooke!
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