Did you know that you can GROW snowflakes?! This is a lesson that I have done for several years. Each year I do it a little differently. I still have not found the perfect solution. Basically you combine HOT water and Borax, then soak a pipe cleaner snowflake overnight. The result...a beautiful crystal snowflake! Last year I thought I would be able to use a large plastic storage box, hang the snowflakes on skewer rods, and have an easier clean up. Nope. My little electric tea pot could not heat the water quick enough and the water cooled before I could get enough in. The experiment did not work and I ended up making 22 borax snowflakes in my kitchen over the weekend.
This year I got smarter...individual jars! Now it was still a learning experience. I could only fill two jars at a time. So I either need a parent volunteer to help for a couple of hours or find a better way to heat water. I was thinking of using the tea pot and a crockpot next year, letting the water heat in the crockpot all day. If anyone out there has a suggestion, I would love to hear it!
Nevertheless, it worked! We grew snowflakes! My little scientists were great thinkers. Many thought ice formed. One student observed that the size of the crystals varied. I wonder why?!
We are going to hang the snowflakes on our window for the month. Below are pictures and the recording sheets we used. Michelle Gagne, an AMAZING KD teacher from Ohio, has posted pictures and directions on her
website. I guess I need to get some electric burners!