The possibilities of this technology are endless! Yesterday we did not do any "cool" lessons, but did learn about how to write on the SMART Board and taking care of this tool. The kids were AMAZED that we could watch a video...no more ancient televsion that is older than my students by several years. Yesterday we did our word work and watched Magic School Bus in the Arctic. I cannot wait to use it for everything!
Teachers...I would love to hear how you use the SMART board in your classroom or of any great resources.
I use the SMARTBoard all day long. I have calendar, fundations, writing, movies, Everyday Math, Science, literacy, etc. It's amazing.
Examples are: for calendar I have songs attached to files, I review math concepts, we manipulate days in school for money, base ten, etc. We look up the weather and record that.
In Math I have review, then Mental math on smartboard. We practice the games on the smartboard. Then I linked math boxes and homelinks so we can look at it before they do it independently.
Yesterday we labeled a penguins body by dragging the word to the part on the picture of the penguin. Then, we completed a brace map of the essential feature of a penguins body that help in their survival.
As you can see, I LOVE my SMARTBoard and could not live without it!
I little trick I learned along the way was to have students use a tennis ball (while you hold the pen) when writing on the board. No more of the screeches, slimy finger marks or lost point from the pen. It works great!
I create files to go along with my reading series. You can use the capture tool to basically take a photo of any screen on your computer to import to a smartboard slide. My students love it! We play memory to review our sight words, which you can find at Smart Exchange website. There are a ton of great slides already created that you can download onto your computer and then copy and paste from those to create your own unique lessons.
Hope you enjoy your Smartboard...teaching is much easier with one :)
I saw the smart boards in action last week when I observed another teacher using it with Math. Wow, is all I can say! The possiblities are endless, for activities, and organization for the teacher. I couldn't believe how much you information you can cover because it is right at your fingertips. SO AWESOME!
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